"I'm here to help." Seriously, Suzanne

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My goal as a human is to help. The reason I wrote my own Flip Flop Spanish curriculum (outside of not being able to find anything good for my own classes) was to help homeschool families get some quality foreign language curriculum in their daily lives without breaking the bank.

I help in other ways too: I help people find "their people" at the Community Homeschool Center we founded back in 2009 in Bryan, Texas. I teach moms how to teach....but I think mostly I listen and repeat what needs to be said to whomever needs to hear it.

So! Here comes another way I can help:

"Seriously, Suzanne" will be short videos approximately whenever the mood hits me that touch on the tips and tricks I've learned from teaching my children, teaching in public school and private classes, organizing groups, and writing curriculum... Not to mention being a mom with mentors who have taught me so very much along the way, it's truly my duty to pass on their pearls of wisdom.

I'm sure sometimes I'll be silly. But this first short video is in hopes that it'll cause you to take a few deep breaths and realize that whatever you're doing right now, it's enough.
Seriously, Suzanne

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